The Operations Division is the largest section of the Kernersville Fire Rescue Department and is made of 74 dedicated professionals who provide a variety of emergency services to the community. The division is sub-divided into 3 shifts and 2 Battalions that operate on a rotating 24-hour schedule to provide constant staffing. Each shift is led by a Battalion Chief who oversees the day-to-day operation of their respective shift. A Captain is assigned to each engine and truck company to supervise their operations. At emergency incidents, the Battalion Chief serves as the Incident Commander. The department operates 5 fire stations from which Kernersville’s 5 Engine Companies and 1 Truck/Squad Company respond to calls for assistance. The department responded to 4,702 incidents in 2023.

The primary responsibility of the Operations Division is to provide fast and efficient assistance to citizens and visitors who are experiencing emergencies involving fire, medical, rescue and hazardous conditions. When not answering calls for assistance, division personnel routinely train to enhance and expand their skills. Personnel are required to be certified by NC as Firefighter II, EMT, Rescue Technicians and HazMat Responders. Many of our personnel hold additional NC certifications such as Fire Instructor, Fire Inspector, Fire Educator, Safety Seat Technician and Fire Officer.

In addition to their emergency response duties, Operations personnel strive to prevent harm in the community by participating in activities that include public education programs, fire safety inspections, pre-incident planning, fire hydrant testing and installation/inspection of child safety seats. They may also be found maintaining or testing the department’s apparatus, equipment, and facilities to ensure it works properly when emergencies occur.


                                   Battalion Chiefs