The Town of Kernersville Stormwater Division is dedicated to improving water quality. There are many things you can do to help as well (DO YOUR PART).
What does the Stormwater division do?
The Town of Kernersville is required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement a stormwater management program as part of the of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program. The Town’s program must address six key areas:
- Public education
- Public involvement in the program
- Elimination of unlawful discharges
- Controls on new construction
- Post-construction management of wet-weather runoff
- Implementation of good housekeeping activities for municipal operations
The Federal and State Clean Water Act mandates municipalities, like the Town of Kernersville, to improve the quality of surface waters. In May of 2006, a stormwater utility and rate structure was created to fund the program to:
- Provide guidance to residents with drainage concerns related to stormwater and streams
- Handle enforcement decisions for illegal stormwater discharges as specified in the Unified Development Ordinance
- Conduct inspections of stormwater infrastructure (streets, curbs, culverts, swales, bio-retention cells, stormwater wetlands, wet ponds, dry detention)
- Provide public education about ways the public can reduce pollution impacts at events, with publications and through various media outlets.
- Provides internal training and guidance for Town staff on spill prevention and good housekeeping measures to keep pollutants out of local waters.
- Utilize grants to improve water quality with stormwater infrastructure and stream restoration.
The Street Division and Sanitation Division of the Public Services Department maintain the MS4 conveyance system by current Town policy and organization. The Town’s current policy limits maintenance of the storm drain system to that which is within the public right-of-way, or which may impede use of the public right-of-way, or which is located within property owned by the Town.
Doran C. Maltba, PWLF, CGPM
Stormwater Manager
Wendi Hartup, CSM
509 Michael Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone – 336.996.6916