Invitation to Bid – Founders Körner Park

Founders Körner Park Development and Construction Project

The deadline for proposals has been extended and will be received by the Town of Kernersville, North Carolina until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 30, 2018 for the development and construction of Founders Körner Park located at 101 North Main Street, Kernersville, NC 27284. The project generally consists of construction of concrete paving, concrete pavers, concrete formwork, storm drainage, landscaping and related appurtenances.

Complete plans and specifications for this project are attached below. For specific questions regarding the plans and specifications, please contact project architect Mike Norris with McGill Associates, P.A. at 1240 19th Street Lane NW, Hickory, NC 28601 or by telephone at (828) 328-2024 during normal office hours.

Proposal shall be clearly marked “Founders Körner Park Project” and received by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 30, 2018 by one or more of the following means of your choice:


Ernie Pages

Copy: Rebekah East


Physical Address:

Town of Kernersville –

Rebekah East

Finance Department

134 East Mountain St.

Kernersville, NC 27284

Postal Address:

Town of Kernersville –

Rebekah East

Finance Department

Post Office Box 728

Kernersville, NC 27285







Consideration will be given only to Bids of Contractors who are able to submit evidence showing that they are properly licensed under “An Act to Regulate the Practice of General Contracting”, ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on March 10, 1925, and so subsequently amended.

The Town reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all Bids and provides equal opportunity to Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB). The Town of Kernersville, North Carolina reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all proposals. The Town also reserves the right to increase or diminish the quantities or items given in the Proposal and to award Contracts which appear to be in the best interest of the Town.

Bound Founders Park – Bidding docs

Founders Korner Park – Sealed Plans

Addendum No. 1