The following are guidelines from the Town’s Yard Waste Policy:
- Hand Piles placed on the curb that will fit into a Green Yard Waste Cart WILL NOT BE collected and WILL BE TAGGED AS A VIOLATION. At certain times, yard waste may need to be trimmed in order to fit into the Yard Waste Cart. This policy was implemented in September of 2016.
- Residents can purchase a Yard Waste Cart from Public Services for a one-time fee of $60 (there are NO renewal fees). If you need additional carts, these can be purchased for an additional fee of $60 each. Yard Waste Carts are serviced each week EXCEPT FOR HOLIDAY WEEKS.
- Bulky yard waste items bigger than hand piles such as tree limb piles should be placed neatly at the curb. Limbs SHOULD NOT exceed four (4) inches in diameter and shall be cut in lengths NO LONGER than six (6) feet per Town Ordinance. Any items bigger than this WILL NOT be collected. Small limb piles will be considered hand piles and will need to go into a Yard Waste Cart.
- Yard waste is banned from our garbage landfill and recycling center. DO NOT put yard waste in the grey or blue carts. DO NOT put trash or recycling in the green Yard Waste Cart, only loose yard waste…NO BAGS. The Town will not empty carts that violate this policy!!!
- In addition, The Town provides a drop off location to dispose of your Yard Waste at 720 McKaughan Street in Kernersville. Hours of Operation – Mon/Wed/Sat 7am-1pm.
If you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Town of Kernersville | Public Services
336.996.6916 | 509 Michael St. | Kernersville
Monday to Friday | 7:00am- 11:00am, 12:00pm-4:00pm
Click here for a copy of the above notice.
Questions? Call 336-996-6916