Kids are our future and Carson Wilkerson has inspired the Town of Kernersville to start planning more litter pick-ups as trash has begun to accumulate throughout Town. Carson Wilkerson, a local 6 yr old, loves to make our community cleaner. This Spring he started a monthly school clean-up at his elementary school. He also got his friends so excited they have created a small group called, Carson’s Clean-up Crew. These kids are working on our parks after soccer games. Carson’s mom says she always has to have gloves and trash bags in her car because if a gas station is messy, he wants to get out and get to work.
Have you ever been to a parade and noticed how messy the roads are after it is all over? Town staff work hard to clean the roads after the parade. Why not do a little during the parade? Come help the Town of Kernersville and Carson clean up during the 4th of July Parade! This year the 4th of July Parade is held on July 3rd, 2021. We’ll be in a slot close to the end of the parade so kids can help inspire adults to do their part. We will have about 7 Public Services employees walking behind our orange Litter Patrol vehicle. We have a few safety rules to participate:
- Anyone under 18 has to have a parent or guardian walk with them. Please only one adult per family to accommodate as many kids as possible.
- All participants have to fill out a Volunteer Waiver.
- We have to meet at 8am at Kernersville Elementary and wait for the parade to start after the 5k race.
- Once you leave the parade, you cannot join back in. We’d love to have you walk the entire 1.5 miles.
- Gloves, vests and trash bags will be provided by the Town. Reflective vests and gloves must be worn at all times while handling trash.
- We are limiting participation to 20 children.
Use the link here to sign up Town of Kernersville Public Service: Fourth of July Parade Litter Patrol (signupgenius.com).