ALL BIDS REJECTED – North Cherry Street Parking Lot



Sealed bids will be received by the Public Services Department of the Town of Kernersville until 10:30 AM on March 17, 2023 in the Executive Conference Room (upstairs) of the Public Services Administration Building located at 509 Michael Street, Kernersville, NC 27284, and immediately thereafter publicly opened and read aloud, to furnish all materials and labor for the construction of North Cherry Street Parking Lot for the Town of Kernersville.

Interested bidders must obtain a bid package in order to bid. Bid documents and this advertisement will be posted on the Town of Kernersville website.

Scope of Work: The proposed work includes construction of a 56-space public parking lot in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications prepared by WithersRavenel Inc. The proposed work has an expected duration of 90 calendar days.

Pre-Bid Conference: No Pre-Bid-conference will be conducted; however, Engineer of Record and Owner are available to answer questions. Direct all questions to Dave Bartone, PE at [email protected] or (919) 238-0464.

Consideration will be only given to Bidders who submit evidence that they are licensed contractors in the State of North Carolina, duly licensed accordingly for the appropriate section of work for which a Bid is submitted.

Minority businesses are encouraged to submit bids for this project. The appropriate forms are attached as Exhibits to the contract and must be submitted with each bid to show good faith efforts to obtain Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise participation.

The Town of Kernersville awards public contracts without regard to race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age or handicapped condition as defined by North Carolina General Statutes, Section 168A-3. The Town of Kernersville reserves the right to reject any or all bids presented and to waive any informalities and irregularities.

If the Contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within the number of days set forth in the contract.

North Cherry Street Parking Lot – Bid Packet 03.01.23

Cherry St Parking Lot Addendum No. 1 – Released 03.13.23


Town of Kernersville
Public Services Department